Who Do You Think You Are? by Megan Smolenyak
Who Do You Think You Are? by Megan Smolenyak

Who Do You Think You Are? by Megan Smolenyak

She has consulted with the Pentagon for 20 years, including on cases involving African Americans who served in World War II. Smolenyak told The World that she almost always confronts the history of slavery. The book is a companion to the NBC television series Who Do You Think You Are, featuring the genealogy journeys of celebrities including Sarah Jessica Parker, Susan Sarandon, and Spike Lee. The Defense Department relies on genealogists to find relatives of soldiers unaccounted for from past wars. Megan Smolenyak is one of them. Smolenyak is now a professional genealogist and author of the book Who Do You Think You Are: The Essential Guide to Tracing Your Family History. So, to answer your question is, through DNA technology, the constant evolution of new methods and the ability to open up more and more references, will we be able to identify everyone? The answer is the technology is getting there, through not just DNA, but through modern anthropological testing.

Who Do You Think You Are? by Megan Smolenyak

So, currently in the tomb, there is not a representative of an unknown for Vietnam. We did DNA testing and the individuals identified as Michael J. We had references for those four families. And historically, if you look at the Tomb of the Unknown, back in 1998, there were four families who presented enough evidence to the secretary of defense in regards to the Vietnam unknown to make a case that the secretary of defense allowed the disinterment of the unknown, the individual representing all of the unknowns for Vietnam from the Tomb of the Unknown.

Who Do You Think You Are? by Megan Smolenyak